Probate Fee Hike Ditched … for now?

15th October 2019 5:04 pm Comments Off on Probate Fee Hike Ditched … for now?

It was announced yesterday that the government plan to replace the flat £155 probate fee with a sliding scale of fees of up to £6,000 in some cases, has been cancelled.

“For the second time in less than three years, the government has announced huge, discriminatory, and arguably illegal increases in probate fees, with the intention of taking money from the bereaved to prop up a failing courts system, then hesitated in the face of furious protests, and finally cancelled the controversial measure in anticipation of a possible election” comments Colemans’ senior partner Michael Cutler.

“In spite of the furore the first time they tried this, someone in the government clearly thought that this was worth a second try, with a re-jigged version of the original plan.  If it were not for the present political situation, this new higher fee scale would now be in force, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see version three of the plan coming out once the dust has settled” said Cutler.

To find out more about probate or the fee hike, please contact Michael Cutler or Kiran Panaich on 01628 631051 or email

Categorised in: Wills, Probate and Trusts

This post was written by Colemans Solicitors LLP

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